Schooner Columbia (1923)

The Schooner Columbia
Photo by W.R. MacAskill 1923
Американська риболовецька шхуна була побудована в 1923 році.
Columbia (1923) was the last of three racing schooners designed by the Burgess & Paine design office in Massachusetts. At the time they were one of the top design firms in the USA, with senior partner Starling Burgess, the younger rule expert Frank Paine, and LF Herreshoff and Norman Skeene as draftsmen. They would be joined in 1923 by Loring Swasey to form Burgess, Swasey, and Paine. Frank Paine would go on to design the Gertrude L. Thebaud in 1929 for the final two International Fishermen’s Race series. The Thebaud was the only US built challenger to win a race against Angus Walters and Bluenose.
The "Columbia" was officially measured on October 27th, 1923 just before her race with the "Bluenose" by Raymond J. Milgate, a marine surveyor of Halifax, N.S. Her measurements are as follows:- racing length...141.2 feet, load waterline...110.0 feet, beam...25.5 feet, draft @ 110.0 LWL ranged from 15.4 to 15.7 feet. Sail area as shown:- 10,290 square feet. Note:- "Columbia's" racing length was taken from the after edge of the main rail cap at the stern to the junction of face of the stem and underside of the bowsprit.